Escaped from starvation.
As a child, Andreas had already experienced hell on earth. For eight years, he and his younger brothers lived in a foster home with little more than bread and water. Until the youngest died in the crib next to him. Only then did the authorities react. When Andreas was finally freed at the age of nine, he weighed no more than a three-year-old toddler. Now the former foster child is coming of age, but inside he is still a child: the experiences of the past weigh too heavily. Over the past ten years, he has been passed on from one children's home to another. No one could cope with his "peculiarities". He raged and manipulated the carers, driving his flatmates and therapists to despair. After the first film about the then sixteen-year-old was made in 2005, the Youth Welfare Office tried to help with intensive support. Andreas' limp, the result of beatings as a toddler, was corrected by an operation, he got his own flat and help to finish school. Now, the former foster child is coming of age, but inside, he has not grown up. The employment office will likely find little use for someone who is chronically distrustful, unable to focus for an hour, and prone to emotional outbursts.
Andreas will face significant challenges in his future life as well.
1 Episode